Saturday, August 2, 2025
Rio Grande Park, Aspen
Ducky Derby is the Rotary Club of Aspen's main fundraiser. At 2pm, thousands of rubber ducks will float down the river, with grand prizes for the winners. The event includes a a full day of live music, youth group booths offering games and activities, bouncy houses, food trucks, soft drinks and beer, merchandise sales and a silent auction. This yearly fundraiser has benefited 65 non-profit educational, health, human services and youth recreation organizations. The event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors.
Ducky Derby History
This fun event is the brainchild of Jack Brendlinger, Rotary President in 1992. He wanted to create a fund-raising and community-building opportunity that would create camaraderie within the Club, do good for local organizations and fulfill some worldwide needs. On August 15 1992, thousands of rubber duckies were sent down to race the river for the first time. Now, 32 years later, while the ducks are still the racing stars, the event has grown to become a day-long festival. It is a full day of live music, youth group booths offering games and activities, bouncy houses, a BBQ lunch, soft drinks and beer, merchandise sales and a silent auction. This yearly fundraiser has benefited 65 non-profit educational, health, human services and youth recreation organizations.
How does it work?
Hundreds of budding entrepreneurs as well as Club members sell duck ‘adoption papers.’ Tourists and locals alike ‘adopt’ these ducks. They are then dumped into the river for a half-mile race. The ‘adopter’ of the first duck to cross the finish line wins $10,000 and the chance to win a million dollars.
A variety of cash prizes are also awarded. Many items donated by local businesses, such as dinners, stays at local hotels, merchandise, etc. are also available to bid on, and win at our Silent Auction!
How Do I win a Million Dollars?
For every 3,333 ducks adopted, one will be a million-dollar Lucky Duck. (So, based on past duck adoptions, there are approximately nine one million dollars ducks in the race!)
Should one of those finish FIRST, the lucky winner will receive $25,000 per year for 40 years (basically an annuity), which is paid by an insurance policy with SCA Promotions.
Where does the money go?
These young entrepreneurs receive a large portion of the proceeds for the local youth groups to which they belong. All the money raised is distributed to community youth, health and human service groups, international projects and graduates of Aspen and Basalt High Schools receive college scholarships.
This year
The event is scheduled for August 3, in the Rio Grande Park.